City Departments
Most offices and departments responsible for oversight, operation, and maintenance of city-owned facilities and public services. are located in the Municipal Complex.
The City currently has 133 full-time employees, 35 part-time employees, and three seasonal employees.
The City currently has 133 full-time employees, 35 part-time employees, and three seasonal employees.
- Administrative/Finance and Building Maintenance: City Clerk-Treasurer, seven full-time accounting/clerical employees, two full-time custodial employees.
- Executive: six Elected Officials (Mayor & Council members), one full-time clerical employee, one full-time human resources employee.
- Code Enforcement: Superintendent, two full-time code Inspectors, one full-time clerical employee.
- Fire Department: Fire Chief, 12 full-time firefighters, 16 part-time firefighters.
- Municipal Court: Chief Court Clerk, four full-time court magistrates, contracted services of one judge, one prosecutor, and two public defenders.
- Police Department: Police Chief, 38 full-time sworn officers, one full-time clerical employee, one full-time animal control employee (non-sworn), three seasonal school crossing guards.
- Public Works and Animal Shelter: Superintendent, one full-time clerical employee, 25 full-time public works employees, two full-time animal shelter employees.
- Vehicle Maintenance: Superintendent, one full-time clerical employee, five full-time mechanics.
- Library: Director, nine full-time employees, one full-time maintenance employee, five part-time employees.
- Parks & Recreation: Director, 11 full-time employees, 12 part-time employees.