Board of Adjustment & Appeals
The Board of Adjustment & Appeals makes determinations about requests for variances and special exceptions to the zoning ordinance. It hears appeals of decisions of municipal administrative officials relating to the application of municipal zoning regulations and grants or denies variances and special exception uses permitted on appeal.
It is comprised of five members plus two supernumerary members who serve as requested by the Chairman in the absence of regular members.
2024: Jason Clary [2023]
2024: Fred Crum Sr. [2022]
2024: Ron Smith (Supernumerary) [2023]
2024: Gary Wesson (Supernumerary) [2023]
2025: Jeff Turner [2022]
2025: Derek Smith [2022]
2026: Stephen McClurg [2022]
Five members plus two supernumerary members, appointed by the City Council; three-year terms (January)
Meets at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month as needed.
It is comprised of five members plus two supernumerary members who serve as requested by the Chairman in the absence of regular members.
2024: Jason Clary [2023]
2024: Fred Crum Sr. [2022]
2024: Ron Smith (Supernumerary) [2023]
2024: Gary Wesson (Supernumerary) [2023]
2025: Jeff Turner [2022]
2025: Derek Smith [2022]
2026: Stephen McClurg [2022]
Five members plus two supernumerary members, appointed by the City Council; three-year terms (January)
Meets at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month as needed.