Civil Service Board
The City of Sylacauga employs personnel in the police department, fire department, street department, city maintenance shop, court office, animal shelter, planning and code enforcement, city clerk’s office, and mayor’s office. The Civil Service Act governs these positions, and most require Civil Service Board testing to create an eligible roster for open positions or new positions to be filled.
2024: Robin Morris [April] (2021)
2025: Alvin D. Hughes [April] (2011)
2026: Janean Wilson-Crawford [May] (2023)
Three members (appointed by the Governor); three-year terms
Robert Rumsey, Administrator
Board meetings are held quarterly, during the first week of each quarter, and as called.
2024: Robin Morris [April] (2021)
2025: Alvin D. Hughes [April] (2011)
2026: Janean Wilson-Crawford [May] (2023)
Three members (appointed by the Governor); three-year terms
Robert Rumsey, Administrator
Board meetings are held quarterly, during the first week of each quarter, and as called.